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Funniest AIM convo ever!
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I'll get that megaman the animationed series
Funniest AIM convo ever!

This convo was made by both me and "Reeze" spent a few hours flaming this douche. He is the most incredibly stupid person who cannot come up with a good come back. He also has the worst case of PMS ever! (no offense to any girls) Now the items talked about in this is:
John Norton: A similar short person.
Pollard School: My elementary school.
Also another point, I am ogrlishly tall and he is the opposite. Now any gay remarks made in this convo is not to insult anyone that may be gay, although it does its not meant that way. Now for
                                    THE ROAST OF TOMYY THE DOUCHBAG!(Not the good kind of roast like on ComedyCentral. They actually like the person they are roasting).
Vivi378: hey i heard u signed up to be the football
SportJohnson15: no i signed up to play football
Vivi378: what position? The football?
SportJohnson15: no
Vivi378: ohhh so ur the tackle dummy?
Vivi378: half way there
SportJohnson15: nope
Vivi378: ohh so ur all the way there?
SportJohnson15: ur stupid
SportJohnson15: you really are
SportJohnson15: but you see i dont have to put up with you
Vivi378: i caant take all the credit
Vivi378: someones helping me
SportJohnson15: who?
Vivi378: ur face
Vivi378: its revolting against u
SportJohnson15: wow so funny..not..dumbass
Vivi378: ur right im not a dumbass
Vivi378: on a serious note: Why is it u dont have to put up wit me?
SportJohnson15: cuz i dont have to talk to you
Vivi378: hey havin trouble responding? Have Bush help u...oh wait he couldn't help timmy get out of the well
SportJohnson15: or listen or respond to what you say
SportJohnson15: your stupid is all i have to say
Vivi378: well u maybe right but for every brain i dont have u have twice as few
Vivi378: alone i have -1brain but wit my assisstant i have twice as many
Vivi378: and im still 5X smarter than u
SportJohnson15: nope
Vivi378: that means u have -10
Vivi378: ur right im 10X smarter
SportJohnson15: fine so im -ten and ur minus one but my brother is plus twenty so that tells u u and ur assistant are just plain dumbasses
Vivi378: hey dont drag ur brother into this, he is nice and kool and everything ur not
Vivi378: except short
Vivi378: oh wait u r short
SportJohnson15: btw jackass
SportJohnson15: hes sitting right here
SportJohnson15: and he agrees with me
Vivi378: good...hi matt!
Vivi378: i bet he doesn't
SportJohnson15: hey
SportJohnson15: this is matt
Vivi378: and what reason do i have to beleive u? Cuz tommy has a way of nmaking people think people agree
SportJohnson15: u dont have to believe me or my brother
SportJohnson15: but hes here
Vivi378: ok...i beleive the here part
Vivi378: hey, its the other guy
Vivi378: not mike
SportJohnson15: no its not
SportJohnson15: prove it
Vivi378: i agree that mike is an idiot, ill give you that... but you are a jerk
Vivi378: i can spell big words and remember things
SportJohnson15: dont bother insulting yourself mike
Vivi378: i would take that advivce if i were him
Vivi378: hes the opposite of you, tall
Vivi378: (me being mike...? ::shudder::-)
Vivi378: (stupid smiley...)
Vivi378: mike is back
Vivi378: i can't wait til i see u in i can punt you!
SportJohnson15: o im so afraid..wait a minute no im not
Vivi378: no ur jus short
Vivi378: hehe is Bush helping u write a speech? Well u better pronounce nucular right
SportJohnson15: maybe u should spell it right
Vivi378: :gasp: I spellt it wrong? Oh sarcasm cant be transfered through internet...and i did that purposly
Vivi378: but i can understand why you are for a chimp like Bush. Because u can make quite the monkey face urself
Vivi378: except his is permanent and urs is only during pms
Vivi378: Hey Timbo ever have any fun days in a closet?
SportJohnson15: u must be an idiot right?
Vivi378: only when im talking to anyone but u
Vivi378: u should really come out of the closet
Vivi378: i'd throw ur dog into this but i know she doesn't swing that way!
Vivi378: heh I guess I can officially say I have won this little war between me and u
SportJohnson15: nah
SportJohnson15: u can say ur a retard and ud win that war
Vivi378: ok ur a retard and i win this war
SportJohnson15: no
SportJohnson15: u r a retard
Vivi378: honestly how hard are u trying?
SportJohnson15: i really could care less what some idiot thinks of me
SportJohnson15: i really dont care what u say
SportJohnson15: ur dumb
SportJohnson15: no one cares
Vivi378: dont so be so hard on urself
SportJohnson15: get over it and grow up
Vivi378: noone cares about u?
Vivi378: thats good
SportJohnson15: no no one cares what u have to say mike
Vivi378: least noone will notice u coming out of the closet
SportJohnson15: u know ur like a bitch u just dont go away
Vivi378: thats funny tommy, coming from u thats a compliment!
SportJohnson15: hey hampstead still has room for u mike
SportJohnson15: o wait they said no hope for a dumbass like you
Vivi378: heh
Vivi378: touche
Vivi378: but they dont have a microscope strong enough to give u a hernia check
SportJohnson15: o an mike
SportJohnson15: at least girls talk and flirt with me ur lucky to get one to talk to u
SportJohnson15: o wait the only one ull ever touch is ur mom
SportJohnson15: and that was at birth
Vivi378: hahaha thats so untrue
Vivi378: ur the trailer trash remember?
SportJohnson15: april dont count
Vivi378: my assistent agrees wit me on that one
Vivi378: i mean u
SportJohnson15: i may be from a trailer park but hey that was like a mansion compared to ur dump u live in
Vivi378: hahahaha
Vivi378: aint it the truth
SportJohnson15: so do u got anything to say to me about me growin up in a trailer park
SportJohnson15: seriously say all u want mike
SportJohnson15: do it come on
SportJohnson15: say something dumbass
Vivi378: woa! i said i dont swing that way
SportJohnson15: ur fuckin dumb do u know that
Vivi378: infactgirls dont swing ur way either
Vivi378: only in comparison to anyone but u
SportJohnson15: no but u know what mike say something about living in a trailer park
SportJohnson15: in a matter of fact i have a gf
SportJohnson15: and girls who like me
SportJohnson15: what do u have besides steve and ur mom
Vivi378: heh
Vivi378: girlfriend if thats what u wanna call her
SportJohnson15: excuse me
SportJohnson15: u got something u wanna say assramming uncle fucker
SportJohnson15: got any insults ud like to say about jakki?
Vivi378: akki?
Vivi378: Wat ur dating a monkey?
Vivi378: is it related to bush?
SportJohnson15: jakki asshole
Vivi378: hey hey i know shes a monkey but u dont have to call her names
Vivi378: is that her las name
SportJohnson15: no
SportJohnson15: its not
Vivi378: ohh ok
Vivi378: is it bush?
Vivi378: no i shouldnt insult ur gf like that
Vivi378: bush is more of a man than she'll ever be
Vivi378: scratch that
Vivi378: she going out wit YOU
Vivi378: unless its a blowup doll its got no choice
SportJohnson15: hey mike u know u say all this shit online and stuff
SportJohnson15: but you cant back anything up physically
Vivi378: and off
SportJohnson15: or face to face
Vivi378: sure i can...i can step on u.....john norton could step on u
SportJohnson15: how about u prove that
Vivi378: ok ill have him step on u
SportJohnson15: no
SportJohnson15: how about u try it
SportJohnson15: u think u can
SportJohnson15: prove it
Vivi378: try stepping on u? Ok its ur shoeprint....of course i couldn't make u any uglier
SportJohnson15: try it
SportJohnson15: how about tomorrow
SportJohnson15: pollard
SportJohnson15: at one in the afternoon
SportJohnson15: try me
Vivi378: mind if i bring a magnafying glass?
Vivi378: heha
Vivi378: ill go if u can sing the mr.plow song
SportJohnson15: what to look for ur dick o wait u never had one to start with
Vivi378: wow, imagining me naked :shudder: u did come out of the closet!
Vivi378: for thinking of that my assisstent slammed his head against the wall
Vivi378: u sick bastard
SportJohnson15: no not imagining u naked cuz damn that mean suicide
Vivi378: well u did
Vivi378: obviously to come up wit that
SportJohnson15: no i didnt imagine it its a known fact ur missing something
Vivi378: riiight so u didnt have to think before u said something :GASP: Oh forgot sarcasm and internet...
SportJohnson15: so tomorrow one
Vivi378: heh
Vivi378: one what? U want me to do somehting with one?
SportJohnson15: no
Vivi378: that wasnt an insult im serious
SportJohnson15: tomorrow one in the afternoon be at pollard to "step on me" unless ur the pansie i think you are
Vivi378: i think u r to
SportJohnson15: no im not ill actually show
SportJohnson15: the question will be will you
Vivi378: ull show what? I told u i dont swing that way!~
Vivi378: i told u ill only go if u can sing mr.plow
SportJohnson15: how about u just show up
SportJohnson15: cuz i dont care about mr. plow
Vivi378: well i do
Vivi378: mrplow or no go
SportJohnson15: and if ur not there than it just shows ur a panzie
Vivi378: or u didnt agree to the contract
Vivi378: see the arrangments are
Vivi378: u sing mrplow and i meet u at pollard
Vivi378: or nothing
SportJohnson15: that wasnt the contract
Vivi378: yes it was
SportJohnson15: u said u could step on me
SportJohnson15: i said try it
Vivi378: and i said ill go to pollard if u sing mr plow
SportJohnson15: show up or it just proves the fact everyone knows
SportJohnson15: ur a panzie
SportJohnson15: and cant back shit up
Vivi378: everyone already knows it
Vivi378: and its not the agreement....of course i'd still be short of spinless if it werent for me hating u
SportJohnson15: come step on me
SportJohnson15: try it mike
Vivi378: try what?
SportJohnson15: o wait thats right panzie
SportJohnson15: u think u can step on me
Vivi378: for the las time i dont swing ur way!
SportJohnson15: than show tomorrow
Vivi378: sing mr plow
SportJohnson15: no im not like u mike
Vivi378: ur right im straight
SportJohnson15: no i think ur questionable
SportJohnson15: an i know im straight
Vivi378: ur as strait as a bent wire
SportJohnson15: u wanna have me write the song to u
SportJohnson15: and than youll show tomorrow?
Vivi378: bingo...can we give the little man his prize?
Vivi378: no
Vivi378: oh remember u cant bring anyone
SportJohnson15: yeah i can
SportJohnson15: there just there to watch
Vivi378: nope
Vivi378: nobody timmo
SportJohnson15: call mr. plow, thats my name that name again is mr. plow
SportJohnson15: and yes people to watch
SportJohnson15: that had nothing to do with the contract mike
SportJohnson15: u lose again
SportJohnson15: has
SportJohnson15: ha*
SportJohnson15: see ya tomorrow mike
SportJohnson15: bye
Vivi378: no deal
SportJohnson15: yes deal
SportJohnson15: that was the deal
Vivi378: nope
SportJohnson15: see ya tomorrow mike
Vivi378: the deal was song and nobody
SportJohnson15: u said say the song and ull be there
Vivi378: yes and i said sing and noby
Vivi378: *nobdy
SportJohnson15: no u didnt
Vivi378: close enough
Vivi378: yes i did
SportJohnson15: and my brother saw it too
Vivi378: in paragraph G7
Vivi378: section3
SportJohnson15: prove it
Vivi378: ok i will
SportJohnson15: too late
Vivi378: Vivi378: oh remember u cant bring anyone
SportJohnson15: times up
SportJohnson15: u got to be there tomorrow
Vivi378: yeah for u
Vivi378: nope
Vivi378: deals off
Vivi378: only spectator u can bring
Vivi378: is a footstool
SportJohnson15: fine
SportJohnson15: no one will be there but me
SportJohnson15: ok?
SportJohnson15: ok?
SportJohnson15: so i wont bring anyone
SportJohnson15: u dont bring anyone
Vivi378: ok
SportJohnson15: got it?
Vivi378: ok
SportJohnson15: say i promise
Vivi378: u promiser
Vivi378: *promise
Vivi378: where in pollard
Vivi378: ?
SportJohnson15: back
SportJohnson15: on the field
Vivi378: back...
Vivi378: allright
SportJohnson15: u know the fields
SportJohnson15: be there
SportJohnson15: bye
Vivi378: yes
Vivi378: bye where ya goin?
SportJohnson15: offline for now
Vivi378: We're spose tom meet tomorrow!
SportJohnson15: ill be back in an hour
Vivi378: if u say so
Vivi378: shall i bring
Vivi378: the crumits?
Vivi378: *crumpits
Vivi378: u shall bring the tea
SportJohnson15: g2g
SportJohnson15 signed off at 9:58:07 PM.