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Welcome to Michael Gatti's
Ki Training Advice!
Now For those people who are into the ki and meditation and energy thing but not quite sure what it is, I am here to explain that to you. First off, Ki is pronounced Kye or kee, it does not matter. Also another word for ki is chi. Chi is what the Japanese call it. The definition of Ki is your spiritual energy. Everything that is living or is naturally there (rocks, glaciers, dirt clumps) have it. People have ki, dogs have ki, trees have ki. Another thing is, the difference between someone who does training excersises, is one who does not do these excersises they are not in tone with themselves, nature or energy itself for that matter and their energy is naturally weak, you know enough to keep you living but nothing to great. Now the people that do do these excersises are people in touch with themselves, with nature and with energy in general. But also their energy is naturally stronger than average, so you can start developing a 6th and 7th sense. (I will explain these later). Now onto the excersises:
First excersise is meditation of course, now there are many ways to do this, the ones that are tought in martial arts classes are good, they may even be similar. But the ones that I do that I feel are most effective are:
1. Find a compfortable place where you are not cold nor hot.
2. Relax and clear your mind of nothing but maybe one or two thoughts.
3. Play music if it helps you relax.
4. Focus your breathing, breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
5. Now close your eyes, focusing on your breathing just keep them closed, but don't squint.
6. Now when you feel you have meditated long enough, open your eyes, if you have done it for at least three minutes you will feel a drowzee but relaxed feeling. This is good! Now, remember your first time will be quick, when I first started out I was like 1 or 2 minutes for both meditation and ki. These things come with time. By the way an effective way to keep track is to write down what times for your meditation and ki so when you are a year into it you can look back. Also it is good, but not required, to keep a stop watch for when you are done timing for the most accurate times.
Now after you have meditated (Remember you don't HAVE to meditate first, whatever you like is how you should do it). Focusing ki is a bit different.
1. Get into a relaxed postion(or stay in that place if you previously meditated).
2. Focus your breathing still.
3. Hold your hands up near eachother about a few inches apart with your fingers not touching eachother.
4. Focus your energy into your hands (this means, imagine the energy inside of your body flowing from your feet into your fingertips).
5. It is ok for thoughts to enter, but don't lose focus. (By now I can sing and still be focused).
6. When you feel a tingling sensation in your fingers, or a warm feeling inbetween your hands, you have completed what I call an "Energy Ball" Or a "Ki Ball." Note: You can NOT see the ball with your eyes in beginging stages, hell I can't see them yet (but getting there). When you have successfully created one you will know by moving it over to your cheek and feeling heat. (Energy is warm).
7. When you have created one either throw it, or absorb it. (Throwing it simply is throwing it and absorbing it is pushing it into your palms, putting your hands together closing your eyes and focusing on the energy entering your spirit through your hands).
Advanced teqniques: Now, these techniques I know very little about because they have only happened to me a few times.
Stealing energy: Go over to somebody, put your finger on their shoulder or head, or heart and focus your energy into that finger, if you are advanced enough your energy should attract the energy of the person you are stealing from and the energy flows into you. Note: It is not a dramatic amount you are able to steal because the human body can only have so much or so little.
Sensing energy: Close your eyes, walk into a room full of people you know, think of a person in the room, and if you are advanced enough your energy will lead you to him/her because that is the energy you are focusing on.
Seeing other peoples energy: Well, this is kinda weird and hard to say how it happend, I am not sure but I was listening to my Tae Kwon Do teacher and then I started seeing an aura around her. (An aura is a wave of visable energy around a person or animal. Much like on DBZ when they go super saiyan). And it was quite odd...
Chakras: Chakras are the places in your body that store the energy they are all over the place but the major ones are
Third eye: The third eye is located on your brain chakra which is on your forehead and it allows you to see and sense energy, much like I have done.
That's about it, I will give a few links to others who can better explain their meditation/ki activities for you.

Ki Health International

ki training

Jasukai martial arts